"People's Daily" Praised Dawn's New Products and New Technologies

On December 13th, an article titled "Yantai city of Shandong Continues to Release Its Corporate Development Potential, Consolidate Its Roots, Invigorate New Ones, and Move Forward Steadily" was published on page 18 of the People's Daily. The article praised Dawn for its research, production, and promotion of bi-component spunbond non-woven materials, which strongly supported its revenue growth.

The article focused on how enterprises in Yantai had responded to various downward pressures in the market in recent years, highlighting areas such as "introducing new technologies and products to enhance competitive advantages," "opening up new fields and tracks to broaden industrial space," and "leveraging high-end, intelligent, and green strategies to accumulate development momentum."

"In the past two years, the annual production and sales volume of Dawn Group has increased by around 10% each year. However, the revenue has no growth. Why? It's because traditional products cannot be sold at higher prices," said Chen Qingkui, the Director of the Research Institute at Dawn Group, to reporters. After extensive research, Dawn's subsidiary, Dawn SWT, targeted a new type of green non-woven fabric—bi-component spunbond non-woven material. This material is soft, skin-friendly, more cost-effective, and can be recycled. "After being introduced to the market this year, its sales have reached several thousand tons, providing strong support for the revenue growth.”

After three years of epidemic, economic recovery requires a process, which tests the comprehensive strength and response strategies of enterprises. Facing the test, some high-quality enterprises in Yantai focused on their main business, worked hard, launched new technologies and new products, and gained new competitive advantages.

The "Reporter's Notes" in "Turning Pressure into Power" says that to turn pressure into power, we must resolutely transform and upgrade. In Yantai, in response to pressure, some companies rejected "bulk goods" and specialized in "high-end, sophisticated" products, climbing to both ends of the "smile curve" and gaining new competitive advantages; Some companies adapted to the trend of green transformation, opened up new tracks, opened up new markets, and formed new economic growth points. Pressure breeds opportunities for transformation, upgrading and structural optimization.

Turn pressure into motivation and enhance your sense of urgency. Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we turn danger into safety. Those companies that take the lead in recovering under pressure all lay out and plan in advance so that when the storm came, they would be able to face the crisis without fear and take the initiative.

Rainbows coexist with wind and rain, and opportunities and challenges coexist. It is expected that more companies will work hard and forge ahead under pressure, have the courage to sail, be good at turning crises into opportunities, and strive to achieve high-quality development.