Dawn PBAT Project Won the First Place!

On November 28th, Longkou City held its 2022 high-quality development project observation meeting. Lv Bo, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Li Wanping, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, all municipal leaders, heads of towns, blocks and relevant departments directly under the municipality participated in the observation activities. It was reported that in this observation activity, Dawn's 120,000 tons/year fully biodegradable plastic PBAT project won the first place in the evaluation of 19 projects in Longkou.

As the biodegradable synthesis device with the largest production capacity in China, Dawn's 120,000 tons/year fully biodegradable plastic PBAT project is mainly engaged in the research and development, production, sales and application of fully biodegradable plastic PBAT resin. The project is divided into two phases of investment and construction, and the first phase has been completed and put into trial production. After reaching full production capacity, it can produce 120,000 tons of fully biodegradable plastic PBAT resin annually, and realize sales revenue of CNY 2.4 billion and profit and tax of CNY 360 million.

According to reports, Dawn Biodegradable Plastic (PBAT) has good extensibility, heat resistance, impact resistance, and excellent biodegradability, replacing traditional non-degradable PE, PP, PVC and other materials, and solving the problem of white pollution. Products are widely used in daily-use film bags, plastic tableware, express packaging, agricultural mulch, medical supplies, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and other fields.

Currently, Dawn is building a high-end polyolefin industrial chain, a degradable material industrial chain, and a titanium industrial chain. Dawn biodegradable plastic (PBAT) is an important link in the degradable material industrial chain. At present, Dawn has owned a number of national invention patents, and obtained degradation certificates issued by international authoritative organizations such as DIN CERTCO of the European Union, BPI of the United States, and ABA of Australia. In the future, it will become a first-class Chinese and internationally renowned degradable material expert enterprise.

Since the beginning of this year, Dawn has continued to extend the industrial chain and expand its layout at home and abroad. A number of key projects such as Dawn Zhoushi(Qingdao) Environmental Protection New Materials, the second-phase expansion of KPIC Dawn Polymer(Shanghai) Co., Ltd, and Dawn Southwest Headquarters Base have been progressing in an orderly manner, and the Russian factory project has been put into production smoothly. A few days ago, Dawn signed a total of 4 high-end cooperation projects at the promotion conference held by Longkou City in Shanghai, involving special fluorine materials, automatic instrument manufacturing, high-end manufacturing industrial bases and nano-iron oxide magnetic materials and other fields.

Highlight the project leadership and activate the endogenous power. At the end of the year, Dawn will take advantage of the in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and keep moving to ensure the successful completion of the annual goals and tasks with the attitude of decisive battle and decisive victory. At the same time, it is necessary to plan ahead for the project construction in 2023, effectively promote the early implementation, completion, production, and results of the project, and contribute "Dawn Power" to Longkou City's efforts in building a northern model of high-quality development in the county and a leader in Shandong Province.