Dawn Once Again Won the Haier "Strategic Partner Award"

On March 13th, at the "Borderless Ecology, Smart Collaboration for Win-Win" 2024 Haier Smart Home Global Supplier Partnership Conference held in Shanghai, Dawn Group was honored with the "Strategic Partner Award". This award, recognized as the highest accolade by Haier Smart Home, marks Dawn's second consecutive win after receiving the award last year. Yu Xiaoning, Chairman and President of Dawn Group, attended the event and delivered a speech as a representative of outstanding suppliers.

In the past year of 2023, Dawn Group continued to uphold its business philosophy of "product-oriented, people-based, technology-driven, and customer-centric", strengthened chain development and built high-end polyolefin industrial chains, biodegradable industrial chains, titanium industrial chains, and chemical equipment industries. Leveraging its four major advantages in research, industry, park development, and talent, Dawn accelerated the construction of an integrated ecosystem integrating science, industry, trade, logistics, and finance. As a result, its industrial ranking continued to climb higher.

Chairman Yu Xiaoning stated, "Haier Smart Home has created the most powerful high-end brand matrix in the global home appliance industry with its boundaryless ecology and endless possibilities, achieving remarkable results that have attracted industrial attention." As a long-term strategic partner of Haier, Dawn Group has continuously enhanced its collaborative capabilities and innovation capabilities, consistently broken through industry-leading technologies, strengthened end-to-end security capabilities, participated in front-end designs for Haier Smart Home, engaged in cross-industry innovation, and supported Haier's leadership in the home appliance materials module industry.

"Haier Smart Home is the pride of national brands, and it is also a model for us to learn from and a benchmark for our actions." Chairman Yu Xiaoning said that the two companies have achieved a series of cooperation results in the fields of global supplier matching, iterative leadership, continuous cost reduction, technology co-creation, and recycled materials. "In the new year, we will continue to focus on Haier Smart Home's globalization strategy and deepen the strategic cooperation between us in the industrial chain, supply chain, value chain, innovation chain and carbon chain."

Customers are partners, and cooperation creates a win-win situation. Chairman Yu Xiaoning said that Dawn once again won Haier's "Strategic Partner Award", which was a new starting point for promoting deeper and more practical cooperation between the two companies. “We will focus on user needs and national industrial policies, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new productive forces, promote industrial innovation with technological innovation, and continue to provide Haier Smart Home with green, low-carbon, high-end, and disruptive innovative leadership solutions.