Dawn Once Again Ranked Top 60 Chinese Petrochemical Companies

On September 13th, the 2023 China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Top 500 Enterprises release ceremony and the high-level forum on accelerating the construction of world-class enterprises were held in Puyang, Henan. The conference unveiled the 2023 rankings of the top 500 petroleum and chemical enterprises in China. Dawn Group ranked 58th among comprehensive enterprises, once again among the top 60, demonstrating its steady and improving management level.

The Top 500 Enterprises release ceremony is a significant brand event in the petrochemical industry and serves as an important platform for the dissemination of innovative management ideas. It was reported that during this forum, the "Guidelines for Accelerating the Construction of World-Class Enterprises in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry (Trial)" was released for the first time, which aimed to provide guidance to the entire industry in the construction of world-class enterprises.

A few days ago, Dawn Group ranked 295th on the list of China's Top 500 Private Enterprises with an operating income of CNY 40.66 billion, showcasing the company's robust development momentum. Over the past three decades, Dawn Group has consistently adhered to the business philosophy of "products-rooted, people-oriented, technology-led, and customer-first", and actively built the "three chains" to promote development. Major industries have been scientifically laid out and developed rapidly, and various key indicators have been steadily improved. Dawn Group's industrial influence and brand recognition are increasing day by day.

In the next step, Dawn Group will delve deeper into implementing its innovation strategy, leverage its four major advantages in research and development, industry, industrial parks, and talent, extend and strengthen its industrial chain, accelerate business transformation and upgrading, anchor the "two hundred billion" goals, accelerate the realization of "management modernization, industrial technologicalization, and market internationalization", and contribute more to building a powerful petrochemical country.