by Dawn Group

What is Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber (HNBR) used for?

What is Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber (HNBR) used for?

Hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) is a specially hydrogenated, highly saturated elastomer widely recognized for its superior performance in demanding applications.

The molecular structure of HNBR contains a small amount or no carbon-carbon double bonds while maintaining the oil resistance, wear resistance, and other properties of NBR.

At the same time, it also has excellent resistance to thermal oxygen aging, ozone resistance, radiation resistance, resistance to chemical media (acid, alkali, methane, refrigerant, hydrogen sulfide), and good dynamic performance.

Common Applications of Hydrogenated Nitrile Rubber (HNBR)

Automotive Industry

HNBR can be used on timing belts, seals, hoses, and fuel system components.

Oilfield and Gas Drilling

HNBR is suitable for seals and packings that can withstand high pressures and corrosive fluids, providing durability under extreme conditions.

Aerospace and Defense

HNBR is suitable for aircraft seals and fuel system components.

Industrial Equipment

HNBR can be used in equipment such as rollers and washers that require mechanical strength and chemical resistance.

The hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR) we produce has been maturely applied in many products such as oil exploration gaskets, new energy vehicle motor seals, automotive timing belts, refrigerant-resistant O-rings, and aircraft oil pipes.

In terms of new energy vehicles, our hydrogenated nitrile rubber (HNBR) has been successfully verified in the field of battery carbon tube dispersants, and new low-cost and high-efficiency catalysts have been successfully developed and used stably.

We have been making continuous progress in the field of HNBR. Looking forward to cooperating with you to discuss development plans. 

To learn more, visit Dawn’s HNBR page.

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